If you decide to buy walnut seedlings , you will need to get acquainted with the main characteristics of this plant, as well as find a service that specializes in selling it. Answering the question of how much a seedling costs, one can note an approximate range of 50-300 hryvnia , depending on the variety. Which can be considered quite an acceptable price, given that this tree is perennial and extremely prolific.
Walnut contains many vitamins and serves as an effective prevention of a wide range of diseases, from cardiovascular problems to diabetes and even cancer.
In addition, it has been scientifically proven that walnut slows down the aging process, promotes cell regeneration, and provides the body with healthy fats necessary for brain and physical activity.
Of course you can. Walnuts are used in the production of confectionery, can be used as a spice or an ingredient in healthy food products. All these industries are at the peak of their development and are in significant demand, which means that you will be able to actively cooperate with domestic and foreign companies, establish regular deliveries and make good profits.
The sale of seedlings is carried out by specialized companies, so it is very important to understand what kind of products you need and in what condition it is when buying:
Turning to the Agrobiz portal, you can count on a wide variety of products and products provided directly from leading suppliers. It offers an impressive range of popular varieties at an affordable price. Products at Agrobiz have been tested by time and a huge number of customers throughout Ukraine, so you can safely buy a walnut today, as well as get advice from qualified specialists.